Ruimtelijk werk/wandobjecten, gemengde technieken.
uit 2007 tot 2012
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Tech Noir
2012A fusion between the born and the made

Tech Noir (nr.4)
2012A fusion between the born and the made

Code (nr.4)
2010Keramisch wandobject

Tech Noir (nr.5)
2012A fusion between the born and the made

Code (nr.5)
2010Keramisch wandobject

Tech Noir (nr.2)
2012A fusion between the born and the made

Code (nr.6)
2010Keramisch wandobject

Tech Noir (nr.9)
2012A fusion between the born and the made

2010Manipulated nature

2009Organisch versus anorganisch

Grafisch Organisch 4.0
2009Industrie en organisme. Symbiose of parasitisme?

Grafisch Organisch 4.1
2009Industrie en organisme. Symbiose of parasitisme?

Uitgebloeide Logica
2009Vergiftigde geometrie.

Giftig Mechanisme 2.2
2008Mdf, zand, acryl, spuitbus, computerprint en lood

Systeem 2.4
2008MDF, acryl, zand, spuitbus, keramiek en computerprints

Aangetast Automatisch 4.0
2008MDF, acryl, zand, keramiek en spuitbus

Grafisch Organisch 2.0
2008MDF, keramiek, acryl, spuitbus, zand en plastic

Grafisch Organisch 3.3
2007MDF, keramiek, spuitbus, zand en plastic